The Art of Balancing Difficulty in Tactical RPGs

Tactical RPGs, or TRPGs for short, are a sub-genre of roleplaying games that require a player to make strategic decisions as they engage in combat. These games are notorious for their difficulty, which is part of their appeal to many players. However, creating a game that is challenging yet balanced is no easy task. In this article, we'll explore the art of balancing difficulty in tactical RPGs.

What is Difficulty Balancing?

Difficulty balancing is the process of adjusting the level of challenge in a game to provide a balanced and enjoyable experience. This can be achieved by tweaking various elements of the game, such as enemy AI, player character stats, and equipment availability. The goal is to create a game that provides a challenge without being too frustratingly difficult or too easy to complete.

Why is Difficulty Balancing So Important?

If a tactical RPG is too difficult, players may become frustrated and give up. If it is too easy, players may become bored and lack motivation to continue playing. Balancing the difficulty allows players to feel a sense of accomplishment when they overcome challenges but also keeps them engaged by providing a reasonable level of opposition.

The Importance of Playtesting

One crucial component of balancing difficulty is playtesting. Playtesting is the process of testing a game in development to identify potential issues and to gather feedback from players. Through playtesting, developers can get a better idea of how the game plays and what needs to be adjusted to create a balanced experience.

Balancing AI

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a critical element in a tactical RPG. The enemy AI needs to be challenging enough to keep players engaged, but not so difficult that it becomes impossible to defeat. Enemy AI can be balanced by adjusting factors such as decision making, reaction times and the number of enemies encountered by the player.

Balancing Character Stats

Character stats are another essential element in difficulty balancing. Players should have the freedom to choose which character stats they want to improve, but there must be a limit to how powerful a player can become. A balance must be struck between allowing players to feel powerful, and not making the game too easy.

Balancing Equipment Availability

The availability of equipment is an important aspect of difficulty balancing in tactical RPGs. The player should be able to find and purchase equipment that will help them in their battles, but not to the point where they become overpowered.

The Importance of Player Feedback

Player feedback is a critical component of difficulty balancing. Developers should listen to player feedback and adjust the game accordingly. Players can provide useful insights into what they find challenging or enjoyable, which developers can use to improve the balance of the game.

The Importance of Iteration

Achieving a balanced experience is a process that requires iteration. Developers can't expect to get the balance right the first time around. Frequently, developers must tweak and adjust the game to deliver a balanced experience. Testing and implementing small changes regularly can help developers gradually achieve their intended goal.


Balancing difficulty in tactical RPGs is a challenging task that can make or break a game. Getting the balance of AI, character stats, and equipment availability right are essential in creating an enjoyable and engaging experience for the player. Through playtesting, iteration, and listening to player feedback, developers can create a balanced tactical RPG that delivers the right levels of challenge and satisfaction.

So, from all of us here at, we hope this article has given you an insight into the art of balancing difficulty in tactical RPGs. Thank you for reading, and remember to keep fighting the good fight!

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